Tuesday, January 20, 2015

When is the rainy day ?

All through my growing up years I heard my parents, teachers and sensible friends say ' Save up for the rainy day', they used this phrase with respect to money, we start imbibing this idea that we should save for later at a very young age, we give our kids piggy banks so they learn the concept of saving, we have college funds set up as soon as the child is born, though this is a great practice, I wonder if this concept of "Saving" for the future trickles into other aspects of our lives as well.

We are so focused on saving up for that one illusive day in future that we don't pay our present much attention. I always wanted work very hard and make a lot of money so one day I can give my parents the life they deserved, a luxurious life with no worries, I had seen my mom make lists, she always had to make lists of what we wanted and then both my mom and dad would sit and budget our monthly expenses, I wanted them to see days where they didn't have to keep a tab on every penny they spent, where we had enough to go out and have a good meal without having to worry if we had out stretched our monthly entertainment allowance, let me be clear my parents never let my brother or me ever feel like they were under stress, we always got the latest gadgets and the nicest cloths, we never noticed that dad or mom didn't buy a whole lot for themselves, their primary focus was to earn, save and make sure we their kids have a secure future, they worked and SAVED for the rainy day.

My dad was an excellent 'Saver' it was only after he left us we realised how hard he had worked all his life to make our lives secure, he saved up his hopes, wishes and hobbies so one day when his kids were independent and successful he would have the time to pursue his dreams. It all seemed like a perfect plan because my brother and I were on the road to being successful, I got a job offer while I was still in college, and my brother was pursuing his masters in a prestigious college abroad. Just when the theory of Saving was going to be true, life disclosed its plan, my dad fell ill , most of his savings got washed away in hospital bills, medications, bribes to get to good treatment. I wondered if this was the rainy day he was saving for, it definitely came handy, it supported his unstable family after he left, but was it worth it, was it worth not living a full happy life just so that you save money for future, the amazing man that he was he would have said yes, it was worth seeing that he didn't leave his family to fend for themselves, he ensured that long after he left his wife and kids they were taken care of, it seemed like the rainy days that he planned for were days that followed his death.

During the same phase when my dad was saving up for us, I was saving up for him, it wasn't money, mine were emotions,thoughts and time. It was my dream that when his rainy days come I will be there for him, provide him a comfortable life, let him pursue his dreams, travel the world and see the man of my life live his life to the fullest, I obviously didn't share these thoughts with him as I was busy saving all the mushy talks for when we had time, sometime in the future.So when he suddenly passed away, all my savings went down the drain, I remembered days I could have spent with him and I didnt because I thought in future we will have a lot of days together where we can talk and catch up, what with he being a retired successful dad and me being a hardworking 'I got it all covered' daughter. None of my plans for the rainy day realised the way they should have.

This brings me back to my point, When and what is the rainy day that we are asked to save up for ? In case of my dad was it his death, and making sure his family was ok after he left ? or in my case the rainy day I was preparing for never came. Either ways was it worth saving, I believe it wasn't, we spend so much time working and planning our future, when we have no clue what the future holds for us, we should stop saving for the rainy day and start investing in today, be it money or love or time, tell you folks you love them today, learn that instrument you have always wanted to learn, buy that house that you dream of living in, Do all that today and work hard to keep it. Spend your time working to repay for your dream rather than working to buy a dream one fine day.Talk to people and tell them how amazing they are today, there is no better time than today.. than now.

Live a little and stop looking for the rainy day.